Helping you heal your hair, skin and behaviours, in an evidenced based and holistic process for BFRB’s.

(Suitable for compulsive skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, and all body focussed repetitive behaviours)

You want to reduce or stop picking, pulling, biting, but there’s a battle raging inside. It’s been hard to manage your BFRB, and you’d like to learn how?

You want to work through this, with the right support.

I liken this programme to conflict resolution. You have parts that want to pull, pick, or bite, but you also have parts that really want to be free of it. I work as a negotiator, so your parts can begin working together for your healing. BFRB’s are usually a signal for something very important, to attend to in your life that we can work to heal. This programme is a time to come home to yourself, release old patterns and develop a new resilience to stress and managing emotions, so you can move forward with greater freedom. We simultaneously use cognitive behavioural techniques and somatic practices to support the whole of you.

This Program is a referred Therapy Provider by the TLC Foundation, the BFRB charity.

This program could be for you if:

You pick, pull, or bite your hair or body and want to take steps to reduce and manage better. You're trapped in the same old behaviours currently. You feel exhausted, stressed, frustrated, sad about it. You’re self conscious about the physical damage, patches, scars. You spend a lot of time covering up. Even your friends or family don’t understand how hard it is.

You’ve tried to stop many times, and are tired of trying alone. Struggle with self esteem and body confidence.

You have a busy life so want a structured supported process. You think it could be possible to feel better, and are ready to put in the work to HEAL. Want more energy and ease in the body to more fully enjoy life. You are motivated and committed to help yourself grow through this. Prefer one-to-one support to groups.

Benefits of this Program

  • Getting to the root of the issue.

  • The confidence of knowing you have practical tools that work when you need them.

  • A new understanding of these behaviours in a compassionate light.

  • Improved Self Esteem and Confidence.

  • Empowerment through knowledge about BFRB’s and yourself.

  • Release self-judgement and limiting beliefs that hold you back from what you want.

  • Knowing you are not alone with this.

  • Space and methods for your feelings and needs to be recognised and given your attention.

  • Practical exercises to calm you instantly and build your resilience to stress.

  • A route to feeling more in control of this behaviour.

About Me

I'm a Therapy Provider referred by TLC Foundation, the BFRB charity supporting Skin Pickers, Hair Pullers, Nail Biters and more.

I'm a Clinical and Somatic Hypnotherapist helping those with BFRB’s uncover what their behaviours are signalling so they release, manage and move forward. I integrate therapy models such as IFS, NLP, TRE, EFT, & Breathwork in a structured process.

After I found there was very little support out there and many needing help, I became passionate to share what I’ve learnt myself and experienced with other 1:1clients. I have witnessed countless client transformations in people just like you.

I have designed this powerful program for those who are committed to change and going deep to heal from the inside out.

I know what it's like...

I used to have Body Focussed Repetitive Behaviours.

I know the struggle and distress of it.

I now use what I have learned as a trauma-informed Clinical Hypnotherapist, to help other’s struggling with BFRB’s find more freedom.

What are BFRB’s?

Body-focused repetitive behaviour (BFRB) is a general term for a group of related disorders that includes hair pulling, skin picking, and nail-biting, that affect at least 5% of the population. These behaviours are not habits or tics, they are complex disorders that cause people to repeatedly touch their hair and body in ways that result in physical damage.

How does it work?

BFRB’s are a multi-dimensional challenge. Anyone who has a BFRB or has tried to stop countlesss times, know’s it’s tough. This program’s journey is designed to support on multiple fronts, in a multidimensional way.

We will work in stages, much like building a house. First we survey, increasing conscious awareness, tracking the behaviour. You’ll get some quick wins with the subconscious, inviting dialogue and alternative choices to the BFRB behaviour. Then we work with the subconscious to resolve the cause and related relearning, whilst also working to regulate the nervous system, increase comfort in the body, and learn to soothe in other ways. We’ll build confidence, tap into creativity, and develop your voice and self expression. We will look to the future with excitement and and plan with renewed possibility.

How long does it take?

This programme is 6 weeks. In this time we will follow a structured process to understand your behaviours, and build in strategies to release and manage emotions and stresses in a better way, so you can feel equipped moving forward with assurance.

Everyone has a unique life situation and are at different stages in their healing journey. Many people have breakthroughs in the first session, and others sometimes need longer than 6 weeks when they have more complex co-occurring challenges. But this programme is structured not with the promise of never picking, pulling, biting again,( though that can happen). That black and white thinking leads to despair, feeling a failure despite great progress.

This is a programme achievable for everyone with a BFRB, to gain clarity and self compassion, identify the signals so you can soothe effectively in those difficult moments, change unhelpful beliefs, learn to work with emotion, build stress resilience from the body up and feel more freedom and perspective from the grip of your old behaviours.

Healing isn't linear or 'all or nothing'.

Hypnotherapy and working with the body is effective and deep, and clients experience relief quite quickly.

It's about understanding and releasing what keeps you stuck. It's about healing at the root cause, and feeling empowered with tools to build a stronger and more resilient baseline to triggers, for those potential future struggles to prevent relapse.  You can develop compassion in those moments of struggle, so triggers that used to set off the downward spiral lose their sting. You develop new beneficial beliefs and self image.

Our sessions will cover:


  • Awareness training, Stimulus review and consultation


  • 4 1:1 Bespoke BFRB Hypnotherapy sessions (75 min each) via zoom 

  • Personalised recordings for daily listening, to compound the change from live sessions


  • Nervous System Review

  • Compassionate touch & embodiment practices


  • The Journey Journal workbook for reflections 

  • Email and message check-ins with Sarah (a pocket coach!)

  • Clear and established process with weekly guidance 

“I noticed a difference from the first session, even sitting at the laptop I just didn’t have the same urge to pull. And if my hand did go up to my head, it would just come down again, like it didn’t know what to do. It didn’t know how to pull. I am blown away that this is what it took.”

— Lucy S

What Clients have Experienced


“The shame I have always felt about doing this has melted away. Thank you Sarah”

— Lilian V

“I’ve stopped chewing the skin around my fingers, after 38 years. I now like looking at my hands and putting creams on them, I look at them holding pens, typing, and I think they look lovely now! I am still processing the time lost to this BFRB but feeling free.”

— Jules M

“The tapping especially has helped me manage in other areas of life. Would recommend even for just the tapping part. It was unexpectedly quick”

— James

“BFRB’s are a complex multi-dimensional disorder and require a multi-dimensional healing approach”.

BFREE Program is suitable for all BFRB’s

The only thing required is your desire to be free of it, and the belief that it can happen, somehow.


  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

  • Excoriation Disorder (skin picking)

  • Onychotillomania (nail picking)

  • Onychophagia (nail biting)

  • Dermatophagia (skin eating)

  • Lip biting (lip bite keratosis)

  • Cheek biting (cheek keratosis)

  • Tongue chewing

  • Hair eating


To join the BFREE Programme:

  • You are ready to put in the self work to Heal, and you want direction on how to start.

  • You are interested to be self aware and authentic.

  • You are above the age of 18

  • You are prepared for a deep experience and understand unresolved material from the past can arise to be addressed and released.

  • You are ready for real change now and can invest in yourself

Apply for BFREE Programme

If now is the right time to work through your BFRB please share a little info and I will answer any questions and share availability.

Program Q&A’s

  • The Bfree Programme is an investment of £890. This includes around 8 1:1 contact hours plus resource materials and audios. Payment plans are available.

  • BFRB’s (Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours) are a highly individual, complex disorder and originate differently for everyone. Some people compulsively pick their skin, fingers, nose, others pull hair out, eat hair, bite their nails. This compulsive overgrooming, usually results in physical harm to the body or hair, along with distress. Most people have feelings of shame, isolation, powerlessness and wanting to hide.

  • BFRB’s are a multi-dimensional challenge. Anyone who has a BFRB are has tried to stop countlesss times, know’s it’s tough. This program’s journey is designed to support on multiple fronts, in a multidimensional way.

    We will work In stages, much like building a house. First we survey, increasing conscious awareness, tracking the behaviour. You’ll get some quick wins with the subconscious, inviting dialogue and alternative choices to the BFRB behaviour. Then we work with the subconscious to resolve the cause and related relearning, whilst also working to regulate the nervous system, increase comfort in the body, and learn to soothe in other ways.

    Along the way, we also often tease loose related issues that may include self esteem and confidence, visibility, rediscovering self power, among others. Whilst BFRB’s are wholely unique and approached as such, there are often common co-occuring traits, that we can also work to resolve.

    No judgement.

  • The live sessions will be held over zoom. You would be sent a detailed intake form, and info.

    For the hypnotherapy session itself, all you will need is a comfortable seat, a cosy blanket, a good internet connection and a peaceful place where you’re unlikely to be disturbed during the session.

    We will have a chat first of all, you can ask questions and I will explain the process fully.

    We may start with a grounding exercise together. For a Hypnotherapy session, I will then guide you into a deeply relaxing, pleasant state for the rest of the session, delivery therapy with my voice. Much like a guided meditation but with a little more magic. You might not even notice you’re hypnotised, just feeling very pleasantly relaxed. Depth of trance also doesn’t matter, and you remain in control throughout, able to ‘wake up’ anytime, if you wanted to. We would discuss the content of the session beforehand so you are totally comfortable. There may be visualisations, I may ask you questions, we may journey to root cause.

    In our reviews we will chat and discuss strategies.

    In our nervous system work, you may need a yoga mat or blanket to lie on and comfortable clothes, but we will talk through before any session was is needed, and you will feel informed and comfortable.

  • With all healing, you are in control. The key to change is you.

    Hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. Hypnotherapy depends largely on your overall motivation to make changes in your own life. As a result, I personally can offer no guarantees of ‘success’. You are the only one who can do this, and we will guide and support you.

    Ultimately, hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do. What I can guarantee is that all steps you make towards healing, sets change in motion, and willingness is the first step. We witness self healing and transformation every day and it is also yours to take. On no occasion should hypnotherapy, or the techniques used within, be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Many clients come to hypnotherapy and this approach as a last ditch attempt having seen doctors and therapists for some time. But I would be remiss to not say that Hypnotherapy acts as a complimentary therapy, and advice should always be sought from your GP or other healthcare provider.

    Hypnotherapy does not work like a magic wand, although results can be achieved very quickly. You have to be motivated. In other words, hypnotherapy involves commitment on your behalf.

    Your nervous system wants to find its homeo stasis. It will be a willing and glad participant and naturally and automatically responds to this work. This is why I love the ‘bottom-up’ approach, starting with the body to influence the entire being including mind. Because it doesn’t need to remember, it just responds, and quickly.

    So I can’t promise you wont pick or pull again after this program, perhaps there will be future struggles in life that push you to the edge of your increased resources. But what I can say is you will have a stronger and more resilient baseline for potential future struggles preventing relapse, you will have the tools to resist and avoid urges in a relapse, and you will feel more whole and balanced as an organism. The triggers that originally set off the spiral will lose their sting, and you will develop new beneficial beliefs and self image. This is at the very least.

  • You can. Pretty much everyone can be hypnotised (except individuals in psychotic episodes), and you are already very good at it! Every time you daydream or focus on your phone, you’re in a trance state. You may not have noticed you were ‘entranced’ or had heightened focus, but that’s how subtle it is. And providing you truly want the change you seek and you allow it, hypnotherapy will work for you. We can discuss any concerns you might have, so you are fully comfortable

  • Yes ofcourse, it is an important part of the process, building rapport and seeing how we can work together.

    I would love to answer any questions you have, discuss a way forward for you, and hopefully ease any anxiety. Drop me an email to with no obligation or cost whatsoever.

  • I understand you’re busy and have a demanding life.

    This program is designed to do deep work together in our sessions, and then build-in consistent incremental change in between, ‘little and often’.

    • 15-30 minutes per day (listening to recordings, active practices). Some days will be less, 15 minutes a day during the nervous system reset. During weeks 1-3, audio recordings are around 20-25 minutes long.

    Other important commitments needed -

    - Give atleast 24hr notice if you are unable to make a session.

    - Willing to feel feelings and work through them with support.

    - Be actively seeking transformation